Wake Up Call (Dedicated to all the Ladies of WOSIB) I woke up one day and found that I had friends and though i'd never met them i felt close and loved i wasn't afraid how truly amazing i must tell them how much i appreciate it before it's too late. ~~ I woke up one day and discovered that i wasn't alone i had people to share things with and they shared back how truly amazing i must tell them how much i appreciate it before it's too late. ~~ I woke up one day and realized that we all grew up together in one way or another we all left special gifts inside each others heart and Soul and email addresses how truly amazing i must tell them how much i appreciate it before it's too late. ~~ One day I didn't wake up and I didn't get to say goodbye didn't get to say thank you or even that I love you or to give or to receive yet another special gift but how truly amazing i felt their presence follow me to Heaven. ~~ I saw each smile - I felt each tear - and though i didn't look back, I knew they were there. And I rode to Heaven on that Golden Light of friendship we shared: how truly amazing that some gifts live on long after the Wake Up Call that never comes . . . long after your gone how truly amazing...... ~~ God, tell them to let each other know now how much they appreciate it before there's not a chance before they never wake up again before it's too late

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