Friday Wets Assignments
Beginners Class

I was invited to join Women of Strength and Inner Beauty and became a proud Member January 22, 2002. I thank all the ladies involved for the opportunity to be in such rewarding company and giving me the ability to learn new skills. So I joined the Garden of Creators Beginners Class for not only the Web fellowship but to broaden my graphic horizons. The assignments in this Section are called "Wets." They are not mandatory, but good practice, and I sure need that!!! With Friday Wets, we receive an image and can manipulate and render it according only to the limits of our wildest fantasies. So, bear with me, I'm new at WebPage Design so on these following pages you can view my assignments as I progress. Hopefully : )
Images/Graphics created using Paint Shop Pro 7
Wets Assignment for January 25, 2002
Original WOSIB Image was this: 
My fantasy version:
I even named her "The Forest Maiden." Here she is taking a forest walk with her companion, a White Arabian Stallion. (assignment completed 1/25/02).
Second Original WOSIB Image was this: 
(I reduced pixel size of original Image for purposes of faster loading)
My version: 
I animated the Cheetas around their Mistress. My only regret is that I've yet to learn, if there's even a way, to slow animations down, this would have come out more "realistic" with slower frames.......I know, I know, give me a break, I'm new at all this......I'll get better . . .(assignment completed 1/26/02)
Assignment for February 1, 2002 
Artist is Jeffrey Bedrick. Click on this Banner to go to Jeffrey's Site to see more of his work: 
What I did with this Angel:  Completed 2/1/01
Second ssignment for February 1, 2002 
Artist is Jessica Galbreth. Click here to go to Jessia's site.
My version:  Completed 2/1/01

Click here or button below that says Friday Wets to go to next Page of Wets Assignments. Friday Wets Assignments Continued