Continuing on with my "Tuesday Tube Assignments" in my Beginners Creative Garden.
Tubes for Tuesday, May 7, 2002 were a vase, candles, a garden bench, and Merlin the Magician. Here are my tubes:
The vase tube:
The candles: ![](candles.gif)
The garden bench I think I had the most fun with and created two: ![](bench.jpg)
And this bench, with Rocky on it, the Cat I lost to neightbor's dogs. Some animals pass through your Lifetime but only once, Rocky was such a cat. There will never be another Rocky. So this tube is dedicated to Rocky: ![](bench2.gif)
And the last tube I played with was Merlin the Magician; I wanted to animate him. Hope I did it right, or he might put a spell on me: ![](merlin.gif)
The tubes today for Tuesday May 14, 2002were a Water Fountain, Peacock, a Vase and a Bear. Here's my Water Fountain - I activated it with water and turned it into a Sig Tag as well:
For the vase, I put a puppy in it. He has a rose sticking out of his mouth:
With the Peacock, well, I just thought this was a beautiful Tube - thanks Head Creators - anyway, here's what I did with the Peacock:
Last but not least was a Bear Tube, and here I have him with a pipe in his mouth blowing bubbles:
Tubes for Tuesday May 21st that we could choose from were a fallen angel, rose colored sunglasses, violet jam, and a victorian basket of flowers. I decided to work with them all, I thought the tubes were so great:
Fallen Angel
I put the rose glasses on this Sad Lady
I put the Violet Jam Tube on a mirroed shelf
And the Victorian Flowers I put in a window sill
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