(For Kody)
in a fleeting moment
i see the rolling hillside
beyond me, the landscape of wildnerness that calls
and for those left behind that is never answered,
and i wonder at the turn
the morbid twist of events gone awry . . .
yet nothing ackowledges that my Soul explodes
does anyone hear the ocean of my cry?
feeling as I do at this moment in time
that there is no tomorrow
only the fragmented signs of a Life that once was there
oh Kody
so you taught me of things in life that become so apart of you
that they are never to be forgotten
even when they are gone
only buried that much deeper
so you heard the call of the wild
and did not look back
at the part of you that bled like a dog
that yearned and whimpered like a dog
because the part of you that was wolf turned away
not to be emotionally tied
to the reluctant howls you gave me
or your wolf smiles inside my heart
all from which you could so easily part
I must love you enough to forgive you, wolf/dog
and I love you enough to "let go"
yet somewhere in my mind you run still
with that haunting, knowlegeable smile
that you knew one day you would answer to another cosmic whisper
and keep on running
I have chills in the memory of it
my tears frozen in ice
did you take a part of me with you?
Wolves don't say goodbye "twice"
do you run alone?
does another's touch claim your fragile love
as their home?
unanswered questions, unspoken tears,
so the wilderness calls, the untouched land
rolls into a blurr of blanketed beauty and unrest
into a Parting of its own
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