I wrote this poem regarding a true encounter that happened in my childhood growing up in New Orleans. I was about 11 or 12 years old. As a child sheltered from life's cruel turns, twists of fate and irony, the encounter, as I experienced it then, seemed so much like a surreal dream of which I would awaken. But it was no dream. This all really happened, and as I grew up and looking back, I realize how truly blessed I was to have known this young German boy who spoke no English at all and his German Shepard seeing-eye dog, his constant companion. I will never forget them, and I just wanted to share it with you, hoping you find it as interesting and hauntingly beautiful as I did and still do.


I knew a Deaf dog once.
He was the eyes of a Blind boy.

And come the early morning mist,
Before the ravages of children at play,
they would walk alone together,
one to tell the other how it Felt.

The boy would sing, no particular Song,
perhaps a Melody of Stillness bent Listening;
And the dog would howl sometimes, as though he saw
inside the strain of Darkness.

Life's Irony:
The boy would nod to what the dog couldn't hear;
The dog would blink to what the boy failed to see.

Their pain was mutual; a bond created within the
existence of one another, like Soul Mates,
with inseparable Longings.

I followed them once, in curious awe.

The dog saw through me and sauntered on.
The boy stopped Singing.

So I let them go, shook-up with childish Loss.

Life's Irony:
It was I, Blinded by selfish tears
who missed Hearing them Both
     tell me

To this boy and his great Dog, I thank you both for opening
my eyes and my ears so young in my Life.

(s.stumpf ©)   Next page

Animal Art by Ronaye TylorMany thanks to Ronaye Tylor for her Dog-related Art and Borders.