 Long before I even owned one, my love of Wolves has been a mystery even to me. I have written many poems on Wolves, inspired I guess by their keen ability to survive despite often-times insurmountable odds. No one ever tells you of the prey that got away and how many times Wolves go for months in harsh winters without any food to feed their pack members, including young cubs. On TV, of course, you see the crude hunt - the bring down of game into a successful bloody splash and tumble - on TV you see the Wolves winning all the time, coming home from the Great Hunt with battle scars and full bellies. Again, that's Hollywood!! In real life, Wolves take down the old, the feeble, and yes, sometimes they manage to snare a young prey from its outwitted mother, but that is the law of averages, the law of survival of the fittest, and, more often than not, they return to their dens empty-handed. You will rarely see this on the Discovery Channel. Are we, as homo-sapiens, that much different than the Wolf? I tell you where the difference lies...unlike most other species out there, we as humans kill our own kind for little reason or nothing, and face facts, haven't humans annihilated other species to extinction for pure and senseless sport even...there's your difference, like it or not. If I offend anyone, I'm sorry, especially to all the Hunters and Trappers out there, and don't I know there's plenty of them. Let's try to Co-Exist - there is space for us all, and, by the way, WOLVES WERE HERE FIRST, aren't we trespassing on their territory?
Hell on Earth
tormented fire
of my weeping
deliverance of this autumn-shattered morning
guns spilling through the mist
i hear a deer fall
in the bleeding grass
in my writhing
fused to the bone
of my chilling wonderment turned
to iced dismay:
fine line of beauty meeting
metal, not much difference
when its Death that meets it
the lines all disappear in the
blur of finality - which never
comes back
in the stillborn gloom of dusk
its first real closure of the day
a cub left orphaned in the wooded glen
seeks out his shadow for company
until the sun erases the remains
of his simple, bewildered
and lonely pleasure . . .
achingly caustic
this song from the Woods
spilling ribboned words of wasted
down throats of soft rabbits
what a world
that would choose
over visions of ethereal gifts
in the forms of grazing Buffaloes
and Eagles' breaths.
i knock to get out
standing there,
a hole in my chest the size of Eternity:
i lay there dying
a hole in my chest from a
nameless Bullet meant for the Wolf beside Me. 
Don't Blame the Wolf
You see a great crime,
and you bleed.
I am sorry.
I only come and go.
You say you love the Wolf
but then you blame him
for being Wild.-
Written by a friend, Dennis S. {1988} for me,
to teach me that loving something
or someone bad enough is the easy part . . .
it's how you choose to love them back that's equally
if not more important.
(s.stumpf ©) Next page
Border and graphics created by S.Stumpf ©)

Go Meet Kody, the Wolf I once Owned