Who are you, in
your fury to overcome
a part of daunted Spirit I've never tapped into -
that strength from which you explode between the power of the rein,
it soars galaxies beyond the energy
I expand in just watching you.
You come alive, a terrorizing splash
of Beauty and Awe
upon my simple psyche and Soul.
A power unto unself needing not my approval
to feel justified in being Noble.
With your inspiring dances, and intricate structure of
finite rules and instinctual drive -
you thrive
is it any wonder we stand to the side amazed and dazzled
in your presence -
In all your mystical and gentle endeavors
is it no wonder it is us, as humans,
who beg and seek to be your Friend?
Come, let me whisper to you ....stroke your head,
cast the flies away from your eyes ...
and May I join you in the Dance?
(s.stumpf ©)
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