
This is the area of my Website where we can all share helpful tips on all our animals, from birthing puppies to imprinting new born foals. For those of you with experience with breeding stallions, training tips such as trailering, halter-breaking, leading, overcoming obstacles, correcting bad habits such as kicking, biting, rearing, bucking, mane chewing, cribbing, etc., suggestions to treating and/or avoiding various illnesses (colic, founder, bloat, etc.), please share them here. Email me with your name, where you're from, Website Address if you have one, Email Address for contact purposes, and any suggestions, recommendations, tips, or comments on any animal behaviors, training in all disciplines, breeding, foaling, illnesses, whatever would help others to overcome a similar situation and/or problem area. Once you email me all the information, I will place all the info here for everyone to look at so they can hopefully be helped in some fashion. I'm sure we all have something to offer as well as something to learn. I know I do.
Each participant, because you took the time to offer feedback and share pertinent information based on your experience and expertise, will be entitled to Rainbow Walkers' exclusive "Appreciation For Share Tips Award." Once you have emailed me with all information, I in turn will place your context on these pages and promptly email you this special Award courtesy of Rainbow Walkers by attachment in jpg format for your retrieval with instructions for download and linking back to my site:

I look forward to hearing from everyone and sharing what we have learned in living with our animal companions. I'm sure they would appreciate it too if you become "more informed" on how better to communicate with them and take care of them!!!
All graphics/plus border created by and copyrighted to:

Email Me with your tips and win my "Appreciation For Share Tips Award"!!!!!
Even though this Share Tips is in its infant stages of creation, I went ahead and set up multiple pages for Share Tips so go ahead and take a tour of the empty pages waiting for your tips and enjoy the artwork (borders, backgrounds, buttons, headers, all the graphics) already set in place that I have created, and of course, the great music in the background. You can even choose, if you'd like, the page you'd like your tip to fall on, like the red page or the coral page, whatever, just let me know in your email page 2 or page 5, something like that. But if it doesn't matter to you, I'll just place your information underneath the previous person's tip. Let's get those tips rolling in . . .
Click Here to go to Share Tips Page One