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  Mikey loved me too much.
Sadly, he was not willing to share me with anyone.
We were fine up until I bought Lance, the snow-white Great Dane
and then our Love Affair was over
and his personality changed
and he wanted nothing more to do with me
so I found him a new home where his love could not be divided.

Amber - we rescued her from an animal shelter.
She was a real sweetie, but unfortunately didn't live long enough
for any relationship to ever blossom.
But in that short period of time, we felt blessed in her company. Her affection didn't die in vain.

Darth Vader I - our first Darth. Adopted him from an animal shelter. He was sick and we didn't realize it; he lived with us less than a week. Our Vet tried to save him, but his infant immune system wasn't up for the battle, so we lost this young kitten who fought for the chance to be embraced by us and Life itself.

When we left for North Carolina, Felix took off in the field behind our pasture and was never seen again. He was so affectionate and it hurt us profoundly that he didn't want to follow. We waited and had people help look for him, but he forced himself into abandonment, why, we will never know. What I do know is that somehow, in our hearts, it is us who are left to feel just as homeless inside.


I watched as You stared out the window Seemingly entranced of the Life that exists out there, A life I'm afraid to allow you For fear you won't come back. What do you see and feel That I don't? What tantalizes your senses To the point that I no longer Matter during this private vigil? Have I become less than significant As your eyes devour the falling snow Or the sun going down between the ridge of distant mountain tops . . . Can I join you in this Simple joy Of being mesmerized by nothing More than a floating Leaf? Have you found a world outside That I never gave you? Is there a longing for something You thought you'd never have? It hurts, of course, And I quiver As I open the door to free You finally from Human Bondage. I stand not in your way And close my eyes Thus close the door to trust Watching you flee forever, with no goodbye. What tears could not erase Was the wonder and surprise, when moments later, You returned with the gift of that leaf That mesmerized you and dropped it At my feet, Snowflakes dancing in your eyes……

(s.stumpf ©)dedicated to all the cats that "came back."