
Rainbow Walkers got its name because we've always loved "colorful" horses and we implement color in our breeding program along with bloodlines and quality gait. Although we stake no claim in being a BIG breeding farm, we have chosen our mares with careful discretion to meet the high standards that we feel should be passed on in the Tennessee Walking Horse. Since our mares are multi-versatile and aren't primarily just pasture broodmares producing seasonal foals, we have also adopted the philosophy of our horse trainer: "broke right, broke for life." For instance, most of our horses we can go months without riding and they will act as well-mannered as the last time you rode. Now I call that "broke right."
All the foals of Rainbow Walkers get a great start in life - they all are imprinted at birth, fooled with daily to ensure and reinforce human bonding which we feel will contribute positively towards their initial handling and then their training process down the road. We are committed to producing quality, not quantity foals and because we are small, we are able to focus more time and engery into each individual horse and new born foal, thereby maintaining with all that critical level of trust and ultimate respect that defines a good working and pleasure relationship. By the time our young horses are two weeks old, they are fully halter-broke. Before they are weaned between five and six months of age, our foals have been well socialized; are accustomed to being groomed, handled and body clipped; have been wormed and updated on all shots and bloodtyped; have learned to stand still while cross-tied, at least to a degree, for grooming and bathing purposes; pick up their feet willingly for the farrier to trim their hooves; have been trailered and accompanied us on trail rides as they tag along close to their mothers, thereby exposed to all kinds of new stimuli in a calm, fun and relaxing environment; and all of our young horses have been rightly spoiled and the proof is that, like the rest of our horses, every one of them in the past has appeared to apparently enjoy and literally "seek out" human companionship.
Our breeding program adheres strictly to these criteria: soundness, temperment, disposition including a healthy willingness to please that's not based on fear to perform, conformation, impeccable foundation and champion bloodlines, the smooth, natural, head-nodding gait inherent to the Walking Horse when flat-shod or barefoot, size, and, need I mention here - COLOR. Since we do have babies for sale once or twice a year, you need to check in periodically for our outstanding foals ready to be placed with their new family. You need to check back often anyway because this Website is a constant work in progress and there's much to see.
Now, a little bit about Howard and I . . .
Susan & Howard on December 15, 1990 - when it all began - all those years ago. . .
Today, in the new millineum
Howard and I share our lives with four colorful and magnificent Tennessee Walkers, two cats, and three dogs. Our children are all of the four-legged type, so we won't be sending anybody to Harvard - however, obedience classes are on the priority list.
We have just recently moved to Colorado and bought a 52-acre ranch so I will have pictures at a later date. We've already gone trail riding with Vanilla, Poco and Oreo in the mountains here: all have acclimated to the higher altitude, and everyone loved the trail ride and did wonderful!!
Speaking of Trail Riding, trail riding is our number one passion whether it be through beautiful National Forests, Government property open to public or even just around our own acreage. We have the kind of horses that can hit the trails straight from the show ring - that's what we love about the Tennessee Walking Horse - they are versatile and interchangeable no matter what pace you put them through. Now go meet everyone else on our farm, and those whose lives we used to share. Email Us!!!!! We're always looking for new friends to go trial riding with. And, like proud parents, we like to show our animals off too - especially the horses!!!
Doing what we do best - trail ride!!!