Creations made from Moon's Designs Tutorials

These Pages will be a show case of my creations using Patti of Moon's Designs great Tutorials. Click on Moon's Designs Banner Moon's Designs here to go directly to Patti's site to learn to create your own "masterpieces."

The Large picture at the top of this page is an image I chose and then followed Patti's Tutorial on Enchanted Frames. You too can create such works of Art - so, here we go:

Name of Tutorial: Gold Oval Frame Tutorial

Techniques Used for Tutorial:

Flaming Pear's Designer Sextet Series with Patti's Silver Preset
Fantastic Machines PaintEngine Filter
Alien Skin's Eye Candy 4
Other Embellishments My Creation

I chose the, it's not one of my horses. (Wish it was . . .) I added the golddust sprinkle. That's a trick WOSIB Sister CrystalSinger taught me. What amazes me about this Group is how willing they are to "share" their knowledge with one another. Everyday I'm blown away a little more by the Artistic Generosity of this Wonderful Web Family. We are a "Strong Unit!"

Name of Tutorial: Gold Mesh Frame

Techniques Used for Tutorial:

Ulead Art Texture Filter
Weave Texture in PSP to achieve the mesh effect

Now this is my horse. You recognize her, don't you? You should. Yeah, that's right. Vanilla!!!

Name of Tutorial: Enchanted Frame

Techniques Used for Tutorial:

Flaming Pear's Silver Filter
Corner's Ding

This was a "toughie" for me because I ran across a snag when the Tutorial said to Flood Fill the Border with a gradient. Ooops, I only knew how at the time of doing this how to flood fill an area with a solid color. (Duh.......) Well, perseverance won out and I figured it out all by my little bitty lonesome. I was so proud.

So, for those of you who don't know, in order for an area to flood fill with a gradient as opposed to a solid color, my trial and error taught me that in the Flood Fill Dialog Box, Match Mode must be set to RGB Value in order for the flood fill to pick up the gradient instead of a solid color. . . so there!!!

(But you probably knew that already . . .)

Surely you must know why I chose a Wolf, right? Horses and Wolves, Wolves and Horses. Actually, I love all animals if you haven't figured that out yet, but Wolves and Horses are at the top of my list in favorites!!!

Name of Tutorial: Sinedots II Drapes

Features Used:

Sinedots II, Simple Quick Tile filter
PSP's Geometric Circle
Perspective Horizontal, and Warp
Dizzinz Gemsets for Ding

Isn't this neat, with the drapes? Oooooooh Patti, I love this one. I wish I had curtains like that.

Name of Tutorial: Double Mask Frame
Graphic Used: A Graphic ~~The Way Home by Artist Jim Warren

Techniques used:
ULead's Art Texture
Sky and Lensflare masks

I think this is so pretty and peaceful looking, almost angelic. . .

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All graphic designs (and some of the Borders) on this WebPage were created by me and are the property of and copyrighted to
Susan Stumpf of Rainbow Walkers and are protected by U.S. Copyright laws. Copying or reproduction
in any manner is a violation of these laws. Please forward any questions to the
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