Jasmine ("Jazz") and Rock'N'Roll ("Rocky")
Our two Great Pyraneeses we left behind in North Carolina on a 300-acre farm. We thought they would be happier in that climate. Great Pyraneeses are natural-born livestock protectors and they looked after the horses. They were beautiful and sweet. We sure do miss them, but we had to do what was fair for them, not us. We found ourselves again loving something enough and more than ourselves to let go, not an easy task. It would have been much easier to be selfish and bring them back to Louisiana in this hot climate. To this day I can still see their faces looking back at me as the new owners pulled off with them in the back seat. I waved, tears streaming down my face, grief-stricken but knowing they went to a beautiful place in Tennessee with miles to run, and creeks, and other Great Pyraneeses to play with. I hope they understand we did it for them. They will always be with us.
You decorated my Life.
Each day with you was like
Unwrapping a hidden Gift,
Never knowing what waited inside.
And though now you bring Joy into
The lives of a new family,
Some part of you is left behind
Forever Frozen in Time
In a Capsule of Echoes
Inside my Soul
Whispering into memory
All your faithful, sweet lingerings.
(s.stumpf ©)