So faint
a hint of aching darkness
lying in depths of myself whose lack of light
and hope breathed it into existence.
A sorrow so deep and primeval and profound,
within itself it drowned,
and became a grief that never
before nor again re-surfaced
like itself, even for lost humans.
So this is what touched me
like a lost feather abandoned by wind
once realizing the tragedy of its aimless flight.
It spiraled downward to pierce beyond
my skin, and freeze my reflexes from
wanting to touch back.
Somewhere inside, in a vastness
so eternal and incomprehensible,
I screamed an anguish that reached an Ocean of stars.
It echoed briefly inside a myriad of Lifetimes
once I understood for sure that,
in this one, you weren't coming back.
How could you? my heart mumbled between selfish sobs and
Isolated anger . . .thinking how could you do this to me
when it was YOU who didn't want to leave . . .
Could I forgive the moment my cosmic Soul
at once sensed and
felt the velvet paw that dangled still
between this Life and the Other?
Wherein a transition was acknowledged that
flooded the fibre of my being: one day again
we would reunite because we
never were actually severed.
Was this then, a "connection?"
For, if so,
it was then I gave you permission to leave
as long as you took apart of me with you now
to the other Side.
And so in my arms you gently
passed along this Life,
cradled within your dog-Soul tiny fragments
of a human you left behind for just a while . . .
to go scout for and "prepare", I'm sure,
for that perfect field where we
will romp into Forever.
Goodbye Clint - you are Sadly Missed.
