Thank you Divine Women of the Web for consideration of my proud Membership into your Organization.

Please visit our members
Thank you Golden Web Awards for this Prestigious Award and Certificate.

Thank you Cindy and Bill of B&C Horse and Tack Supply for this Participation Award.

Thank you Cindy and Bill of B&C Horse and Tack Supply for this beautiful Gold Award. It really means a lot.

Thank you Peekaboo for this very special award from a lady of similar poetic depth and insight into life's tragedies and positive outcomes, it's an honor to be recognized from such a Soul as yours.

Thank you Taryn for these next two very beautiful and meaningful awards. I hope I do well enough to honor them.

Thank you Women of Strength and Inner Beauty for this Silver Award:

Thank you Camelot Dreams for making this Dream Award come true:

To visit me in Camelot Dreams, click here. Enter My Camelot Dreams Pages
Wooooohooo!! Another Dream come True! Thank you Camelot Dreams: